The Intenship Program (IP) is available as an elective course for students in their 6th, 8th or higher semesters of studies with 12 ECTS and is implemented in one cycle during the summer months for each academic year (from 15/6 to 14/8 or 1/7 to 31/8). For the academic year 2023-2024 the number of students is (42).

The announcement for the start of the submition of applications for participation in the Internship for the academic year 2023-2024 can be found at the following link:ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ_ΕΝΑΡΞΗΣ_ΠΑ.pdf

Businesses (hosting agencies) wishing to offer a place in the IP should register with the ATLAS system. Interested students should find the companies in which they are interested in contacting the internship in the ATLAS system. Students are selected by a ranking based on points calculated as follows:

(GPA)*4+(% of past courses taught and passed/10)*4 with priority given to students in their 6th or 8th semesters.

Mandatory criteria, bonus awarding criteria, and algorithm:

a) Mandatory Criteria

The Selection Criteria of trainees are measurable and indisputable and are as follows:

Mandatory Admission Criteria: (not assigned points but serving as a condition for the right to participate): The timely completion of the relevant application within the time period defined for each academic year.

Academic Criteria: The points for the selection of students are extracted from the integrated secretariat management information system and are in accordance with the Erasmus student selection rules, i.e. according to the table below. The total number of points is the sum of criteria 1 and 2 with a maximum number of points of 80, as shown in the table below.

1 Points based on GPA

e.g.: for GPA = 7.5, Points awarded: 7.5 X 4 = 30 points

2 Points based on regularity of attendance

e.g.: if the student has passed 12 of the 24 subjects he/she has been taught, ((12/24)%/10) X 4 = 20 points

The above scoring method applies to all students. In the final ranking, priority is given to students in the 6th and 8th semesters, and then to students who are in a higher semester of studies.

b) Criteria for inclusion in the special category for students with disabilities

Social criteria (bonus points awarding). Social criteria for students with disabilities will be acertained by the corresponding supporting documents. The supporting documents should be submitted by the students to the department secretariat and receive a protocol number. Should a student does not provide the corresponding supporting document that would classify him/her in the special category he/she is referring to does not exclude him/her from the right to participate in the IP, but he/she is not classified in a special category. The classification of students in the special category for students with disabilities will be conducted by the Evaluation Committee based on the academic criteria grading algorithm. If all the places in the special category have been filled (6 places out of 60), the remaining students who fall into the special category but were not offered a place due to a low score, will be evaluated with the rest of the students based on mandatory and academic criteria.

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