Sectors – Laboratories

The department consists of the following sectors (Government Gazette 1074/30.8.2000 vol. Β’):

Sector A: Sector of Production Systems
Sector B: Sector of Management Systems
Sector C: Sector of Materials, Processes, and Mechanical Engineering

In addition, the department has 14 laboratories: (Government Gazette 838/14.5.2015 vol. B’):

1. Laboratory of Industrial Production
2. Laboratory of Robotics and Automation
3. Laboratory of Product Design
4. Laboratory of Logistics
5. Laboratory of Ergonomics and Work Safety
6. Laboratory of Financial Engineering
7. Laboratory of Marketing
8. Laboratory of Management Information Systems
9. Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Hydrodynamic Machines
10. Laboratory of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engines
11. Laboratory of Materials
12. Laboratory of Mechanical Design
13. Laboratory of Computational Mathematics
14. Laboratory of Environmental Management and Industrial Ecology
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