
The administrative offices of the department are:

a) the Assembly of the department and b) the Chairman of the department

The Chairman of the department is elected by a) the faculty members of the department and b) the members of the special teaching, laboratory teaching, and special technical laboratory staff of the department by direct, secret, and universal vote and has a two-year term.

The Deputy Chairman substitutes for the Chairman in case of absence for any reason or temporary impediment, as well as if he resigns or passes away until the completion of the remainder of the term. He is elected by direct, secret and universal vote and has a two-year term, like the Chairman of the department.

Chairman of the Department of PME is Professor George Gaidajis with Professor Thomas Fotiadis acting as Deputy Chairman.

The Assembly of the department has the following responsibilities and any others stipulated by the provisions of Law 4485/17, the Organization, the Internal Regulation, as well as the other provisions of the current legislation:

1) outlines the general educational and research policy of the department and its course of development, in the context of the policy of the School of Engineering and the University,

2) gives opinions on issues of organization of studies in the department and drafts the Internal Regulations document of the department within the framework of the directions of the Internal Regulations of the University,

3) specifies the single academic field of each sector of the department and decides on the change of academic field to which a faculty member has been appointed, following the opinion of the General Assembly of the relevant sector, in accordance with the specific provisions of article 79 of Law 4310/2014 (A’ 258)

4) recommends to Office of the Dean of the School of Engineering the organization of joint courses of the department with other departments of the same or other School,

5) prepares the Study Guide the department,

6) awards the degrees of study programs organized by the department,

7) allocates the teaching work to the instructors of undergraduate and postgraduate courses,

8) assigns independent teaching work to members of the laboratory teaching staff and special technical laboratory staff of the department in accordance with what is defined in the relevant provisions,

9) approves the distributed textbooks for each course of the curriculum,

10) sets up teams for the internal evaluation of the department,

11) recommends to the Office of the Dean of the School of Engineering the creation of new faculty positions and new special teaching, laboratory teaching, special technical laboratory staff positions,

12) prepares and updates the registers of internal and external electors, which are kept for the procedures of election, development, tenure, and renewal of term of faculty members, which he submits for approval to the Senate,

13) recommends to the Chairman the announcement of new faculty positions and exercises the responsibilities provided for by law during the process of evaluation of faculty members and special teaching, laboratory teaching, special technical laboratory staff members,

14) decides on the appointment of faculty members on a part-time status,

15) gives an opinion on the movement of faculty members to and from the department,

16) announces temporary teaching staff positions, sets up advisory committees, and decides on their selection,

17) invites visiting professors and visiting postdoctoral researchers and provides them with all possible support for the conduct of their academic work,

18) recommends to the Senate the awarding of the titles of Honorary Doctor, Emeritus Professor, and Honorary Professor,

19) distributes the available funds to the department’s educational, research, and other activities,

20) sets up committees to study or process specific issues that fall within its competences.

The Chairman of the department has the following duties:

1) is the head of all the services of the department and supervises the proper functioning of the department and the compliance with the Rules, the Organization, and the Internal Bylaws of the department,

2) convenes the Assembly of the department, prepares the agenda, designates members of the Assembly as rapporteurs for the issues of the agenda, presides over its work, acts as rapporteur for the issues of the agenda for which no other member of the Assembly has been appointed as rapporteur, and ensures the implementation of its decisions,

3) supervises the implementation of the curriculum, including all educational activities,

4) supervises the keeping of the registers of scientific publications of the department,

5) issues acts of appointment of faculty members to part-time status,

6) forwards opinions, proposals, or recommendations of the Assembly of the department to the bodies stipulated for by law,

7) sets up committees for the study or handling of specific issues within the realm of responsibility of the department,

8) draws up an annual report of the activities of the department and forwards it to the Office of the Dean of the School of Engineering,

9) represents the department in the Senate and must inform the Assembly about the debates and decisions of the Senate.

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