The Department
The administrative offices of the department are: a) the Assembly of the department and b) the Chairman of the department The Chairman of the department is elected by a) the…
Sectors – Laboratories
The department consists of the following sectors (Government Gazette 1074/30.8.2000 vol. Β’): Sector A: Sector of Production Systems Sector B: Sector of Management Systems Sector C: Sector of Materials, Processes,…
Faculty & Staff
Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Laboratory Teaching Staff Special Technical Laboratory Staff
Quality Policy – Regulations
Quality Assurance Policy Undergraduate Study Program Quality Policy Certificate of Quality Accreditation for the Undergraduate Programme Annual Internal Evaluation Reports External Evaluation of the Department of Production & Management Engineering…
Department of Production & Management Engineering email: Secretariat of the Department of Production & Management Engineering: Deputy SecretaryGazi SofiaTel. (+30) 25410-79345, 79302e-mail:secr@pme.duth.grFax: (+30) 25410-79304 Administrative StaffKehagia YpatiaTel. (+30) 25410-79360e-mail:ykehagia@admin.duth.grMakri…