
Course Syllabus

Course Code:Η01
ECTS units:6
Weekly Teaching Hours:5
Course Page:

Course Description

Robot kinematic analysis (linear and inverse kinematic problem). Kinematics of velocity and static force analysis (differential motions, Jacobian, singularity points, holonomic operators). Dynamics. Trajectory design. Control of robotic manipulators. Automatic guided vehicles (AGVs). Simulation of industrial robotic systems using appropriate software.

Purpose of the course

Upon successful completion of the course the student will:

  • Recognize the basic parts of a robotic arm (joints, connectors, end-point of action, etc.) and the basic architectures of a robotic arm.
  • Knows the measures of comparison of robotic systems and will be able to select the appropriate one for a specific task.
  • Describes and analyzes motion through appropriate models.
  • Describes kinematic equations for manipulators and operation with the resulting equations.
  • Solves simple problems of proper and inverse kinematics.
  • Solves problems of differential kinematics.
  • Solves problems of trajectory design.
  • Understands the usefulness of all of the above in the design and implementation of industrial robotic systems.
  • Has gained practical experience in the use of robotic arms, both in a simulation environment and in the laboratory.
  • Can collaborate with fellow students in the laboratory to solve simple practical problems.
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